Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tonight as we were walking through Sam's Club trying to quickly pick up all that we need, Avery spotted a case of those little barrel drinks. I've never read the label, but I'm pretty sure that they are about 90% sugar dissolved into water and food coloring. Since it was Sam's, you had to buy about 50 at a time. My kids know that I don't usually buy things like that. As Avery started to beg for the drinks, this conversation took place between the girls:
Maddie: Those drinks aren't very good for us. Mama let us get some a long time ago just for fun.
Avery: She only let you get them because she didn't know that they weren't healthy. Right Mama, you've been learning a lot about all of the things that are bad for us. It's ok. You just didn't know those were bad!

What a strange thing to hear my kids say! I guess it does show me that they are listening to something I say, and they know that I'm still learning lots too!

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