Monday, August 24, 2009

Today during before we started reading our history for the day, I was quizzing Kent and Maddie about what we had studied last week. The question was where was the area known as Mesopotamia located and it was directed to Madison. She said it was between the Tigris and ... she couldn't think of the other river. Kent was standing on his head to keep from shouting out the answer, when all of a sudden "Euphrates" comes from over in the corner. Avery, being very busy brushing her horse's hair, thought she would help her sister out. After she gave her answer, she went back to whatever it was she was doing. It's times like this that I wonder what is really going on in her little head. I have no doubt that one day she will surprise us all, even though most of the time, you're not real sure if she even cares!

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