Friday, August 21, 2009

Earthly Treasures?

The past 2 weeks have been busy but pretty routine. School is rolling along as it should and everyone seems to be falling into a pretty good schedule. Gabby had her first ear infection this past week, and hopefully this is not the beginning of more to come (everyone else has had at least 1 set of tubes!).
Last week, we had gone out to dinner, and as we walked up to the car, we noticed that my license plate on the front had been taken off. It was just a license plate, probably costing around $10, but my first impulse was to blast the person that took it. As I looked at the kids, I was reminded of some of the things we had been talking about in our family devos. One of the verses that we have really drilled home is "Do not store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust destroy, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" Matt. 6:19-21. God has blessed us with lots of nice and pretty material things. I want our kids to know that He can also take that away. It's very easy to teach your kids to hold onto their things lightly, but it's a different thing to show them that YOU hold onto YOUR things lightly! It was no coincidence that my license plate was stolen while we were talking about our "treasure". It's only by God's grace that it was ONLY a license plate. I am thankful that He is not finished with me yet, and that He is still patiently working on my heart. My prayer is that as a family, we will truly learn to focus on our eternal treasure. God is good ALL of the time... I pray that I would internalize that so that I can live it!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley as I read this it changed my whole outlook on my date. Thanks for the uplifting message. God Bless you and your family. I love you all.
    Aunt Babby
