Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This week we are gearing up for the start of a new school year. The kids are in need of a schedule and a routine, so in many ways, I am looking forward to starting. The uncertainty of how things will flow this year is something I've been concerned about. We now have chickens, 2 goats, and a very active, mobile 9 month old. That is definitely enough to distract even the most focused of us (and most of "us" are not very focused!). This first 9 weeks, Kent and Madison both have some hands on projects. Madison is going to be working on a sewing project with MeMe. Avery has decided that she would like to sew too. She has told us several times that she would like to make herself a wedding dress. She knows that both Chad and I pray for their future husbands/wife so she wants to be ready! This will be her first year doing "real" schoolwork. That presents another challenge with this new school year - keeping her actively engaged! Thank goodness there is no dress code here. She rarely goes a day without wearing some sort of princess dress at some point throughout the day!
Our focus for this school year will also be a little different than previous years. Although our focus in homeschooling has always been to train our children in the ways of the Lord, I don't feel we have kept that focus as well as we should. It is very easy to loose sight of your primary goal in the midst of all of the everyday distractions that present themselves. While academics is very important and we should be diligent to do our very best to gain knowledge, this cannot be our focus. All things must be secondary to imparting a Biblical worldview to our kids. God can be brought into all things through the school day, if we take the time to point them out. He was the creator of math/numbers (look at His perfect symetry throughout creation!). He was the creator of science. Aside from all of that, He gave us amazing minds to search out all wisdom! These are the things that must be central to all instruction, along with lots of prayer that God would grab their tiny hearts and make them His own!

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